About Me - Sarah Wiedmer Jarabak

My 5 years of studying at the Swiss Hotel Management School (HF Luzern SHL) and several years work experience in the Hospitality industry, showed me for the first time, that the working world is full of conflicts and hierarchies that make cooperation difficult. As a freelance flight attendant at Swissair and later at Swiss, I learned early on, that resolving conflicts is extremely important and that strategies are needed that can be implemented. After all, conflicts are poison for cooperation and (flight) safety.

After my second child and more frequent conflicts within the family, I decided to study mediation professionally at the University of Calgary. This training helped me a lot in my personal life to react differently, more curious and open-minded and to use conflict situations as opportunities. 

It is wonderful when we humans can talk to each other, actively listen to each other and find out what the other person needs in order to come to a solution together. It is my pleasure to help guide people through a conflict resolution using mediation. We learn from our experiences and grow from them. 

I completed in 2021 a further education in sports psychology and mental training. I used to be an active figure skater myself in national and international competitions and had to learn that talent is not everything. Mental strength to withstand your own and external pressure is incredibly important for success. 

It is now my pleasure to strengthen and motivate young and old in believing in themselves.


Swiss Hotelmanagement School Lucerne  
(SHL HF Eidg. Dipl. Hotellière)
Mediation / Third Party Intervention
(University of Calgary)
Human Factor Trainer
SVEB 1, Adult Educator
(Lufthansa Aviation Training)
200h Hatha Yoga Teacher
(online Yoga and Ayurveda School)
CAS Mental Training and Sportpsychology
(ZHAW Zürich)

My Mission

Helping other people find out their needs is very important to me. This is how we can resolve conflicts.

The work is accomplished with passion and every conflict that is solved, no matter how small, helps society as a whole. 

My Story

I use my passion and skills to make a difference. For me, resolving conflict is partly a learned skill that I studied and partly my passion. I can remember my childhood witnessing people in conflict and having a real sense of urgency to help. I feel that now in life, I have the right combination of education, life experience, and passion to truly have a positive impact on others.

My Motivation

As long as we only see the problem and do not know our respective needs, we cannot tackle problem solving. My motivation is to help as many people as possible to understand each other better, to leave differences behind and move forward together. 

My experiences in Mediation

I have had the privilege to work with a wide variety of clients, mentors and trainers and to constantly expand my knowledge. 
At this point, a huge thank you goes to the Calgary Mediation Society where I was able to work for 2 years during my 3 years of training, and where I learnt a lot from other experienced mediators. My experience ranges from conflicts in work teams, neighborhoods, retirement homes and management to conflicts in the world of sports. 

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga and meditation help me to be balanced. Moving the body consciously with the breath brings contentment. Being aware of the moment in the here and now is very important for me. Letting go of everyday life and stress can be beneficial for me, and with regular practice I am much calmer and more focused. I have been practicing yoga for 14 years and 2 years ago I completed the 200h Hatha Yoga teacher training myself. Also, further trainings in Swakrya Yoga (Yoga of the Elements) and ayurvedic Medicine help me in my practice.  

I offer senior, Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow Yoga classes. All these techniques are helpful and beneficial for mind and body. Find the right class for you.


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Kueferweg 3, 8902 Urdorf

Opening hours

Mo - Sa 8am - 8pm

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